Getting Started

September 3, 2021 - 2 minute read - Tags: Tutorial


  1. Install Jekyll via their official instructions.

  2. Fork the avalanche repository, install dependencies, and start the jekyll server:

     git clone<your-github-account>/avalanche.git && cd avalanche
     bundle install
     bundle exec jekyll serve

Create a new blog post

  1. Create a (markdown) file in the _post folder:
     bundle exec jekyll post <title-to-your-post>

    It will automatically create the file in the YYYY-MM-DD-<title>.md format.

  2. Edit the content in YYYY-MM-DD-<title>.md, just like what you do in any other markdown files.
    • The markdown files contains some metadata, which is known as the Front Matter.
    • Math symbols and equations are also supprted, e.g.,
        \frac{\partial (\rho u_{i})}{\partial t} + \frac{\partial[\rho u_{i}u_{j}]}{\partial x_{j}} = -\frac{\partial p}{\partial x_{i}} + \frac{\partial \tau_{ij}}{\partial x_{j}} + \rho f_{i}

      will render

Publish the website via Github Pages

  1. Test the changes locally and ensure it works properly

  2. Commit the changes and push them to Github
    • A github workflow will run and generate website in a separate branch gh-pages on Github
  3. Configure the Github page settings:Github Page Publish Setting
    1. Go to your github repo website<your-github-username>/avalanche, and open the setting:
    2. Go to the Pages page on the left panel
    3. Change to use gh-pages branch to publish the website
  4. Wait for a while and the site should be ready via <your-github-username>


  1. You can rename your Github repo from avalanche to <your-github-username> on Github, and the site will be published at <your-github-username> instead.